Lifecycle of Debt

The Lifecycle of Debt exercise was all about helping the participants to identify and communicate key moments in their individual journeys.   Moments that were significant in their experience of debt.   The group were asked to start the lifecycle wherever they wanted and to end in the present day.   The group responded to the task in a very open and frank manner and their stories proved the point that the cycle of debt is a very complex set of issues and circumstances which can all impact on each other.   With all these key moments committed to paper the group could then focus on drawing out images and scenes which could communicate a message to their desired audience.

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About beingthechangeproject

This project is provided by Inspired Youth on behalf of Circle Anglia. Payday loans, door-step lenders and loan sharks create damaging pitfalls that can affect many people in the community. As an organisation, Circle seek to provide support and positive alternatives for their tennants to help them regain healthy control of their finances. Debt Advice and Credit Unions are two such services which are offered. This campaign is about making the support more widely known by people who are facing financial difficulties.
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